This weather station and these weather data are supported by:
- 44° 0' 48.4" north
- 73° 10' 52.4" west
- 525 feet
- map
- current observation
- partial current year in progress
- past years
- Description: Weather data collected at McCardell Bicentennial Hall, Middlebury College, Middlebury, VT, during 2021. ASCII CSV plain text file containing date and time, temperature, barometric pressure, temperature, humidity, wind speed, wind direction, wind gust, wind gust direction, rainfall rate, rainfall, dew point, wind chill, heat index, solar radiation, ultraviolet index, dome temperature, dome humidity, buidling temperature, building humidity, and other values. Observation location at latitude 44° 0' 48.4" north, longitude 73° 10' 52.4" west, elevation 525 feet. No quality control.
- Vantage Pro2
- Raspberry Pi
- Ubuntu
- WeeWX
- Python
- PyEphem
- Belchertown
- Aeris Weather
- Highcharts
- Windy
- Heavens Above
- Clear Sky Chart
- Clear Outside
- National Weather Service
- United States Geological Survey
- United States Naval Observatory